(10th November 2016, 22:29)AJSlye Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE: I was able to enable Akonadi playing around with KDE Wallet.
Here is what I did:
Go into System Settings > Account Details > KDE Wallet
Then scroll down and click Launch Wallet Manager, click around and close.
Next go into Plasma Services and enable Akonadi and click apply.
Note: Sometimes I had to click apply two or three times before I heard the harddrive tick and it to actually apply. I'm still not 100% sure what is going on, more testing is needed. But as of rightnow it is enabled and woking, no more kmail errors.
-I have not done any level 4/5 updates. I did try playing around with the Launch Wallet Manager as you suggested, but no luck. Still can't get Akonadi to stay on through the gui after exiting plasma services or start through the command line.
sorry mates,but i moved to kde neon,after installing akonadi,it worked perfectly,no errors at all,i even got PIM events plugin workin too,none was appearing in maui 2,i installed the 4.8.6 kernel and i didn't had any errors of any kind,i really don't understand why in neon is all working perfectly and in maui 2 all of those r just broken ?i really don't understand why having maui 2 released without being tested ? or how come that they've missed that huge problem with akonadi ?
as i said be4 AJSlye,we r facing that problem from a fresh new install of maui 2,u have problems with just upgradin,but not with the out of the box V2,i really like maui,i will wait and see how maui 3 will come out,i hope that this problems will be fixed,til then,gd luck with fixin,cherryo
(10th November 2016, 22:57)MariusApo Wrote: [ -> ]sorry mates,but i moved to kde neon,after installing akonadi,it worked perfectly,no errors at all,i even got PIM events plugin workin too,none was appearing in maui 2,i installed the 4.8.6 kernel and i didn't had any errors of any kind,i really don't understand why in neon is all working perfectly and in maui 2 all of those r just broken ?i really don't understand why having maui 2 released without being tested ? or how come that they've missed that huge problem with akonadi ?
as i said be4 AJSlye,we r facing that problem from a fresh new install of maui 2,u have problems with just upgradin,but not with the out of the box V2,i really like maui,i will wait and see how maui 3 will come out,i hope that this problems will be fixed,til then,gd luck with fixin,cherryo
Well, I'm not ready to jump ship just yet. I had hoped (and still do!) that Maui would be the more stable alternative to Neon. That's the goal, right? Anyway, I hope this can get sorted out soon, as I need to have a functioning PIM. Thanks to the Maui team for looking into this.
indeed you are right, i do love maui, but i do actually need akonadi to be functional coz i need it like yesterday, for now, is not working and is important to me, i did what i had to do, but for sure i will wait for the v3 maui, hopefully more tested and with the apps installed that actually works, maybe is the d-bus update that is not getting the configs from the old version or that simply is just something that has been totally forgotten,, a mistake somewhere and that was it, broke... well, i really hope that it will be fixed, i really do, honestly
The problem is that it is not reproducable.
We test stuff before we release it of course. And it is working here as expected.
From the error message itself I saw in this thread there is simply a permission error for the..local/share/akonadi directory and it's files.
Correcting those permissions should be enough to get it going again.
By default the permissions are OK. It seems you are trying to use an older /home directory or backup and this causes the main issue here as the permissions of that files and folders is simply wrong. If your user has permission to read and write those files akonadi should start up just fine.
This issue is reproduceable, I reproduced it. Right after a fresh install I could not enable Akonadi either.
I finally got it to enable but only after messing around with other settings like Kwallet, Online services, search, etc., and repeated attempts aka hitting apply more than once. Even now, if I disbale Akonadi again it can not be just re-enabled and often have to go inand out of Plasma settings re-applying till it sticks.
I did not reuse a home directory, nor did I do anything other than Install and try to enable Akonadi.
The issue does get much worse after updating the system, especially after the dbus and systemd update.
So you mean the plasma-services kcm is broken in that regard?
Hmm... not sure who coded it but might be worth than reporting that to the author.
Will do.
(11th November 2016, 10:38)leszek Wrote: [ -> ]The problem is that it is not reproducable.
We test stuff before we release it of course. And it is working here as expected.
From the error message itself I saw in this thread there is simply a permission error for the..local/share/akonadi directory and it's files.
Correcting those permissions should be enough to get it going again.
By default the permissions are OK. It seems you are trying to use an older /home directory or backup and this causes the main issue here as the permissions of that files and folders is simply wrong. If your user has permission to read and write those files akonadi should start up just fine.
Interesting...I did restore my /home directory from a CrashPlan backup, so maybe that is at least part of the issue for me anyway. I'm afraid I just have pretty basic Linux experience (but follow directions well!). Could you describe what I would need to do to correct those permissions?
(11th November 2016, 15:41)jrasmussen Wrote: [ -> ] (11th November 2016, 10:38)leszek Wrote: [ -> ]The problem is that it is not reproducable.
We test stuff before we release it of course. And it is working here as expected.
From the error message itself I saw in this thread there is simply a permission error for the..local/share/akonadi directory and it's files.
Correcting those permissions should be enough to get it going again.
By default the permissions are OK. It seems you are trying to use an older /home directory or backup and this causes the main issue here as the permissions of that files and folders is simply wrong. If your user has permission to read and write those files akonadi should start up just fine.
Interesting...I did restore my /home directory from a CrashPlan backup, so maybe that is at least part of the issue for me anyway. I'm afraid I just have pretty basic Linux experience (but follow directions well!). Could you describe what I would need to do to correct those permissions?
--More Info:
When I navigate to ./local/share/akonadi I find 3 folders (db_misc, search_db, and socket-<my computer name>) and 3 files (akonadi_control.error.old, akonadictl.error.old, and akonadiserver.error.old). I do have read/write permission. Any idea on what to do?