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Full Version: Instant Messenger telepathy not working properly
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Hi everyone, I'd like to say that Maui Linux is a great distro. Now I have a problem with the instant messenger telepathy, when I try to launch a chat, the toolbar appears, but the the rest of the window stays grey, but everything hangs. After a while the contents appear and I can check previous messages, but the input field stays grey and I can't talk to my contact. If I then click on another contact, that contact's window will immediately appear tabbed and I can talk to that contact. The one I opened first still wouldn't work, I have to close it and reopen. The only protocol I'm using is XMPP and I'm getting the notification error "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable: Handler no longer available". when I open the contact list.

Any ideas??



I've already opened a bug for this, but No progress yet (since July). I don't think it's currently actively developed...