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Full Version: Empty list of apps
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(20th July 2018, 14:07)leszek Wrote: [ -> ]It is available for every launcher I know of. Though some might have turned it off in their configurations by default.

I checked it in every launcher. It's the everywhere the same. And I checked the the configurations as well. All options with show recently opened apps and recently opened documents are marked. 
But it doesn't improved. I open some documents or apps ... they appear in the lists of recently opened (or used). But the next time I start the notebook, the lists are empty again. And this behaviour I only get with maui. In netrunner and with manjaro it is normal, the lists stayed filled with the recently opened apps and documents.


meanwhile, the "kicker"-Icon is also missing. I think the whole desktop- Configuration is going mad. I tried it with an test-user-account. There, everything is fine. But I want to avoid all my stuff and configs to a new account.
The questions is, which configs can I delete in my home, for getting a new desktop, with the chance to start at point zero. (and all others configs will stay untouched). Or is this idea a complete nonsense?


You can reset the plasma shell configuration by removing the ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc file. Make a backup beforhand just in case.
ok, thank you, the kicker-Icon is back again. But if I click on the Kicker-Icon, my list of recently opened apps is still empty after a restarting. (I'm still using the full screen modus)


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