In my ongoing efforts to make the AnyDesk remote access program work for me in Maui as per https://forums.mauilinux.org/showthread....2#pid41462, the AD Dev asked me to remove nvidia-prime from both my Tower & Lappy. I did this, then rebooted both PCs. Tower rebooted fine, & continues to operate well. However...
...Lappy has become a disaster! It will boot, & displays the grub menu for 5s as usual ok, then displays the Maui blue splash-screen... but then gives me a black screen & i cannot proceed. At first i wondered if a similar weird file-system fault had spontaneously arisen as per https://forums.mauilinux.org/showthread....1#pid40561 late last year on my Tower, so the first action i now took was to boot Lappy with LiveUSB & run:
However, both partitions are GOOD.
I rebooted & this time picked the older kernel, but still couldn't get past the splash-screen to the login screen [pls note - Lappy was successfully running for hours last night, & has been for weeks, with these kernels, without any problem til now].
I rebooted again, this time chose the grub recovery boot option, in which i chose the fsck option [which did work back in my older Tower fault https://forums.mauilinux.org/showthread....1#pid40561], but now in Lappy i still ended up with the black screen instead of the login screen.
I changed to tty2, logged in, opened grub with nano, & added nomodeset after quiet splash, then updated grub & rebooted. It did not change anything [so then i undid the previous step].
I also tried with nouveau.noaccel=1 instead of nomodeset, but that also made no difference.
I decided to reinstall nvidia-prime & see if that would return Lappy to "normal", so i switched back to tty2, logged in, & ran:
To my immense shock, the response was:
I booted back into LiveUSB, in which i confirmed that i definitely DO have proper network access via the ethernet cable.
Rebooted, got to the black screen again, switched to tty2, repeated the previous apt commands, but again was told there was no network. Tried pinging Google [ & then] ... still no network ... tried pinging ... still no network. Ran:
, which gave no error message, then repeated the pings, but still no network.
What on earth has happened? How can merely removing nvidia-prime have killed both the proper completion of the boot process, AND the network connection? Does anyone have any bright ideas please?
In my ongoing efforts to make the AnyDesk remote access program work for me in Maui as per https://forums.mauilinux.org/showthread....2#pid41462, the AD Dev asked me to remove nvidia-prime from both my Tower & Lappy. I did this, then rebooted both PCs. Tower rebooted fine, & continues to operate well. However...
...Lappy has become a disaster! It will boot, & displays the grub menu for 5s as usual ok, then displays the Maui blue splash-screen... but then gives me a black screen & i cannot proceed. At first i wondered if a similar weird file-system fault had spontaneously arisen as per https://forums.mauilinux.org/showthread....1#pid40561 late last year on my Tower, so the first action i now took was to boot Lappy with LiveUSB & run:
sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda6 <<= />>
sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda7 <<= /DATA>>
However, both partitions are GOOD.
I rebooted & this time picked the older kernel, but still couldn't get past the splash-screen to the login screen [pls note - Lappy was successfully running for hours last night, & has been for weeks, with these kernels, without any problem til now].
I rebooted again, this time chose the grub recovery boot option, in which i chose the fsck option [which did work back in my older Tower fault https://forums.mauilinux.org/showthread....1#pid40561], but now in Lappy i still ended up with the black screen instead of the login screen.
I changed to tty2, logged in, opened grub with nano, & added nomodeset after quiet splash, then updated grub & rebooted. It did not change anything [so then i undid the previous step].
I also tried with nouveau.noaccel=1 instead of nomodeset, but that also made no difference.
I decided to reinstall nvidia-prime & see if that would return Lappy to "normal", so i switched back to tty2, logged in, & ran:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-prime
connect: Network is unreachable
Rebooted, got to the black screen again, switched to tty2, repeated the previous apt commands, but again was told there was no network. Tried pinging Google [ & then] ... still no network ... tried pinging ... still no network. Ran:
sudo systemctl restart network-manager
What on earth has happened? How can merely removing nvidia-prime have killed both the proper completion of the boot process, AND the network connection? Does anyone have any bright ideas please?