OK, but if Ubuntu 16.04.1 works so should Maui (KDE Neon).
Make sure your burning the DVD at the slowest speed possible.
For USB sticks burn the image using dd:.
Or use ROSA Image Writer:
Windows: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/6/65/Ro....1-win.zip
Linux 32 bit: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/b/bd/Ro...n-i686.txz
Linux 64 bit: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/2/24/Ro...x86_64.txz
Mac OS X: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/e/ea/Ro....1-osx.dmg
Make sure your burning the DVD at the slowest speed possible.
For USB sticks burn the image using dd:.
dd if=maui-1-64bit.iso of=/dev/sd{X}
Windows: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/6/65/Ro....1-win.zip
Linux 32 bit: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/b/bd/Ro...n-i686.txz
Linux 64 bit: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/2/24/Ro...x86_64.txz
Mac OS X: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/images/e/ea/Ro....1-osx.dmg