25th September 2016, 12:59
I must say -- i am terribly impressed with your rapid responses; this is great support -- thanks!
No, your interpretation of the info i gave you last time was not quite correct. In a nutshell, the Mint Installer behaved perfectly, the Maui one did not.
However, i now have much happier news to provide you. Somehow the troubles the Maui Installer created last time, with all those error msgs, managed to completely corrupt the Mint VM, so that eventually it wouldn't even boot. So i started over again, by reinstalling Mint clean into that VM [again ONLY formatting root, not opt & home which i simply reused], verified Mint was working after reboot & that home was still encrypted [yes] & that opt still contained my pgms from previously [yes], NEXT i loaded the Maui ISO into that Mint VM's virtual drive, launched it, downloaded the fixed Installer from your repo [no errors this time; yay], initiated the Maui Installer, formatted root & not opt & home which i simply reused again.
THIS time, after reboot, the Maui VM behaved impeccably! home was still encrypted [yes] & opt still contained my pgms from previously [yes], & these pgms still correctly launched when i used their respective opt executables. Once again the menu had no items for them, but that's easily fixed manually.
So, as i said, after a LOT of hassles, this has ended up in a good place, & cleared another hurdle on the road to Maui becoming my REAL new OS. If only i could get that SHA512 email from you, i could do the upgrade tomorrow... [see, i've stopped asking about the PGP sig].
PS -- i'm most terribly sorry about my mistake in pasting that content last time. I did not know about the rules/protocol, otherwise certainly i'd not have done it. I shall try very hard to do it right, next time.
No, your interpretation of the info i gave you last time was not quite correct. In a nutshell, the Mint Installer behaved perfectly, the Maui one did not.
However, i now have much happier news to provide you. Somehow the troubles the Maui Installer created last time, with all those error msgs, managed to completely corrupt the Mint VM, so that eventually it wouldn't even boot. So i started over again, by reinstalling Mint clean into that VM [again ONLY formatting root, not opt & home which i simply reused], verified Mint was working after reboot & that home was still encrypted [yes] & that opt still contained my pgms from previously [yes], NEXT i loaded the Maui ISO into that Mint VM's virtual drive, launched it, downloaded the fixed Installer from your repo [no errors this time; yay], initiated the Maui Installer, formatted root & not opt & home which i simply reused again.
THIS time, after reboot, the Maui VM behaved impeccably! home was still encrypted [yes] & opt still contained my pgms from previously [yes], & these pgms still correctly launched when i used their respective opt executables. Once again the menu had no items for them, but that's easily fixed manually.
So, as i said, after a LOT of hassles, this has ended up in a good place, & cleared another hurdle on the road to Maui becoming my REAL new OS. If only i could get that SHA512 email from you, i could do the upgrade tomorrow... [see, i've stopped asking about the PGP sig].
PS -- i'm most terribly sorry about my mistake in pasting that content last time. I did not know about the rules/protocol, otherwise certainly i'd not have done it. I shall try very hard to do it right, next time.