17th October 2016, 11:31
Yay!! The mud has gone, the waters are clear once more. Tonight I launched one of my Maui VMs [which i'd used for a few weeks to test Maui after i first discovered it, after which as i really liked it i then comparatively recently installed it as my real OS] to test a new office-suite pgm before [possibly] installing it "for real". As i'd not run this VM for at least a week, maybe two, there were a lot of updates pending. With those completed, i remembered this thread, noted that in this VM i did NOT have the Activity Pager widget installed, but my AM thumbnails were black, so i removed the maui-plasma5-shells package, logged out/in [not rebooted], &... the AM thumbnails are good again.
Thus it seems strongly correlated that that redundant maui-plasma5-shells package is what broke the AM with the 5.8.0 upgrade, & that contrary to my previous mutterings, the aforesaid Activity Pager widget probably was innocent. Phew!!
Thus it seems strongly correlated that that redundant maui-plasma5-shells package is what broke the AM with the 5.8.0 upgrade, & that contrary to my previous mutterings, the aforesaid Activity Pager widget probably was innocent. Phew!!