9th July 2017, 6:44
Since upgrading to 17.3, shutdown often, but not always, seems to go on indefinitely, and when I hit a key I see:
Alt+SysRq+B gets me back to the login, where I can shut down successfully.
/media/suewin is on a Windows 10 box, which has been shut down by the time I shut down Maui. It is quite probable that I have a Dolphin tab for it, open if not with focus, at the time of shutdown.
The fstab entry for /media/suewin is:
The only reference I can find to this specific type of problem is on a Debian bug report. The solution given there is:
The poster is unsure which part of this does the job, he thinks it is "systemd.required=network.target".
As trial and error testing would require frequent coordinated startups and shutdowns of two computers at opposite ends of the house I would prefer to be fairly sure of what I am doing before I start. I would appreciate an expert opinion.
[*** ] A stop job is running for /media/suewin (7min 39s / 9min 7s)
Alt+SysRq+B gets me back to the login, where I can shut down successfully.
/media/suewin is on a Windows 10 box, which has been shut down by the time I shut down Maui. It is quite probable that I have a Dolphin tab for it, open if not with focus, at the time of shutdown.
The fstab entry for /media/suewin is:
//desktop-92taib0/Sues_Documents /media/suewin cifs username=andrew,password=******,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,_netdev 0 0
The only reference I can find to this specific type of problem is on a Debian bug report. The solution given there is:
/home/mythtv /home/mythtv nfs x- systemd.requires=network.target,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,timeo=14,x-systemd.idle-timeout=1min 0 0
The poster is unsure which part of this does the job, he thinks it is "systemd.required=network.target".
As trial and error testing would require frequent coordinated startups and shutdowns of two computers at opposite ends of the house I would prefer to be fairly sure of what I am doing before I start. I would appreciate an expert opinion.