20th September 2017, 17:12
Yes, with Maui 17.03 (with fresh install) by default, I have a kernel 4.10.x
And some updates of this kernel with mintupdate.
But I don't know that, kernel 4.10 its a LTS and 4.11 isn't LTS...
Reasson for update to 4.11?
For test if when I restart, dissapears some error messages of my kernel.
My doubt was this, in the last days, mintupdate update my 4.10.x kernel, but not appears for 4.11, and if 4.11 isn't LTS, now I know the reasson (or I think).
But in other question, Maui 17.03 by default have a kernel 4.10.x but I view that, I don't have installed xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04...
And in synaptic, I view linux-signed-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge with version 4.11.0 (I don't know exactly what are "hwe") this package are not installed.
And some updates of this kernel with mintupdate.
But I don't know that, kernel 4.10 its a LTS and 4.11 isn't LTS...
Reasson for update to 4.11?
For test if when I restart, dissapears some error messages of my kernel.
My doubt was this, in the last days, mintupdate update my 4.10.x kernel, but not appears for 4.11, and if 4.11 isn't LTS, now I know the reasson (or I think).
But in other question, Maui 17.03 by default have a kernel 4.10.x but I view that, I don't have installed xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04...
And in synaptic, I view linux-signed-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge with version 4.11.0 (I don't know exactly what are "hwe") this package are not installed.