touch .bash_aliases
echo "alias swoff='sudo swapoff -a ;sudo systemctl poweroff'" >.bash_aliases
. .bash_aliases
Next few times you want to poweroff put in terminal
then poweroff your normal way.
If that doesn't work, type in terminal "swoff" without quotes.
I've edited my original post, & the subject line. Whilst my alteration will be of no interest to anyone else, on principle i don't wish anything i place in the public domain to be knowingly inaccurate.
(17th January 2017, 22:41)Pliny.D.Elder Wrote: [ -> ]Code:
touch .bash_aliases
echo "alias swoff='sudo swapoff -a ;sudo systemctl poweroff'" >.bash_aliases
. .bash_aliases
Next few times you want to poweroff put in terminal
then poweroff your normal way.
If that doesn't work, type in terminal "swoff" without quotes.
Thank you very much !! I shall try it !
(18th January 2017, 3:08)kdemeoz Wrote: [ -> ]I've edited my original post, & the subject line. Whilst my alteration will be of no interest to anyone else, on principle i don't wish anything i place in the public domain to be knowingly inaccurate.
Now kdemeoz,
How is that freezing going?
I am surprised because Maui is the stablest of the O/S on my desktop computer.
What graphics driver are you using?
When did this start? Was it after an update?
cat /var/log/apt/history.log | more
sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all kwin
Have you had this problem after adding widgets?
I would backup my /$USER/.config/ plasma* & kwin* files in tty. Reinstall kwin, xserver-xorg-input-all & reboot
Change all settings to as when installed. Breeze,icons,colour, & see how that performs for a while. Get rid of your widgets. Then you can slowly start adding the personal colors, widgets, and so on.
Either turn off Desktop Effects for a while or before going into suspend or keep them to the bare minimum.
I can remember a desktopheme that gave me hell until one day I changed it, and my ills were cured.
Updates can give you woes but they can also cure your computers maladies!
You could try one of these possible solutions.
And this an old post but looks promising.
(17th January 2017, 21:13)fanisatt Wrote: [ -> ] (17th January 2017, 17:26)rocky7x Wrote: [ -> ]Hello fanisatt,
Do you have Optimus or just Nvidia card?
It is the Nvidia GeForce GT 710 .
So you don't have a laptop with integrated Intel graphics. Thought that maybe if you did, you didn't have to use the nvidia driver at all, just use the intel one and then use Bumblebee for playing games...
Hi Pliny
How is that freezing going? --> no change to my recent edit-update of my original post; 3 hard-resets needed since my 31/12/16-1/1/17 rebuild [2 in general usage, 1 from lock-screen].
I am surprised because Maui is the stablest of the O/S on my desktop computer. --> No argument from me.
What graphics driver are you using? --> Nvidia 375.26
When did this start? --> My original Maui installation [to SSD, not merely VM] occurred 26/9/16, but as per multiple older posts of mine, it wasn't a "clean" installation, instead only my / was formatted, but i chose to retain my existing separate /opt & ecryptfs /home & encrypted Swap [all from SSD's previous Mint 17.3 KDE4 guise]. Also as per multiple older posts of mine, for the remainder of 2016 i experienced several random, strange, hassles often not apparently experienced by other Maui users here [& btw NOT identifiably linked to any specific updates performed or new s/w installed]. As the weeks & hassles rolled by, i became increasingly "paranoid" that possibly these hassles were my fault for not having also formatted /home, in that various legacy KDE4 user-config files now existed in the Plasma5 environment, maybe(?) causing conflicts which caused the hassles [possibly a technically-illiterate concern, but it grew within me anyway as the hassles continued & no solutions occurred]. I finally decided to take the bull by the horns in very late December, by performing the complete "clean" rebuild previously described.
Was it after an update? --> Not that i'm aware, ie, not immediately following any update. Obviously every problem did occur "after" some update, if you go back far enough.
cat /var/log/apt/history.log | more --> holy cow, what a command, what an output !! Do you really want me to post this, all 555 lines? I'm happy to, but given the size i felt i should check first.
Have you had this problem after adding widgets? --> No. In fact across my 9 VDs & 3 Activities i only use 2 desktop widgets, being simply 2 of the desktop sticky notes.
I would backup my /$USER/.config/ plasma* & kwin* files in tty. Reinstall kwin, & reboot --> I mean no disrespect, & i'm extremely grateful for your help here, but i'm very dubious of the merits of doing this. I repeat, the last rebuild occurred only 18 days ago, & furthermore similar freezes occurred last year too in my original Maui installation.
Change all settings to as when installed. Breeze,icons,colour, & see how that performs for a while --> with the same deference as per previous point, sorry but i'm not willing to do this. I played around with Maui in several VMs for several weeks PRIOR to my late-Sept 2016 migration from Mint KDE, & gained a really good feel for my preferred "look & feel" of it, ie, my desired personalisations. I subsequently repeated these once i installed Maui "for real", on 26/9/16, then again on 31/12/16. From my dabblings, & as posted elsewhere, frankly i detest the Breeze theme & icons - for my sensibilities it is a bad clumsy ugly bit of graphical design by the Plasma Devs. My system colours, font sizes & types, theme, icons, Dolphin config, Desktop Effects yada yada yada [all of which are standard Plasma options; i've not installed some outlandish 3rd-party theme etc] represent my evolved desired aesthetics & functionality. This might sound overly harsh, but if my OS can't reliably work this way, then i'd need to reconsider the viability of that OS for me.
Either turn off Desktop Effects for a while or at least only keep them to the bare minimum --> extending from my preceding item's intransigence ;-) for my sensibilities, one of the priority justifications / benefits of me running any KDE/Plasma OS is all the eye-candy aesthetics & functionality. If i can't use these, then i'd have to reconsider why i'm using KDE/Plasma at all. This identical logic is why i'm really uninterested in ditching the Nvidia graphics driver & just using Nouveau -- from my earlier experimentation, doing so stops me having my desired combo of screen resolution & Desktop Effects -- yuck.
Despite possible appearances to the contrary above, i'm honestly not trying to be wilfully argumentative & disagreeable, & i remain immensely grateful for all help, but i try to explain my situation & needs/wants directly & candidly.
Oh rats Pliny -- it took me ages to compose my previous reply, & once i'd posted it, i saw that you had added some stuff to the end of your original post -- haven't had time to look into any of that, but will later - thanks.
(18th January 2017, 11:43)kdemeoz Wrote: [ -> ]Oh rats Pliny -- it took me ages to compose my previous reply, & once i'd posted it, i saw that you had added some stuff to the end of your original post -- haven't had time to look into any of that, but will later - thanks.
And might I say your previous reply was written with the mastery of a great Mozart symphony.
!st.... I was not suggesting that you make some of them changes permanent. Was only to see if there was any improvement over the next few days. You could back up your settings with Timeshift before doing any changes.
2nd....The history.log was only useful if you have a good idea when your problems started.
3rd....Did you at least try........
sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all kwin
4th.... It is only advice, so you obviously must make the decision of whether it sounds right for you. I have found a lot of glitches can be remedied by elimination, at least that's how I stratagize.
5th.....Yeah I forgot those links the first post so I edited them in. Good luck
You made a big mistake you've wiped Mint KDE 17.3. With me Mint 17.3 distro is the primary, is supported by 2019. Mint18 and Kubuntu 16.04 with the new backport plasma 5.8.5 are totally unstable and many options do not work. Manjaro and openSUSE are so far the most stable version of the Plasma 5.8.5.
(18th January 2017, 23:41)ali_deda Wrote: [ -> ]@kdemeoz,
You made a big mistake you've wiped Mint KDE 17.3. With me Mint 17.3 distro is the primary, is supported by 2019. Mint18 and Kubuntu 16.04 with the new backport plasma 5.8.5 are totally unstable and many options do not work. Manjaro and openSUSE are so far the most stable version of the Plasma 5.8.5.
Thank you. I respect your opinion, but i disagree with it ["
You made a big mistake you've wiped Mint KDE 17.3"].
Mint 18 KDE was a
big disappointment [& is
why i now use Maui].
Kubuntu is awful. So i don't disagree with you there.
Manjaro and
openSUSE might be ok, but i happen to prefer Debian/Ubuntu-based distros, so
Manjaro always feels very alien & uncomfortable to me, whilst
openSUSE just seems too terrifying for me to even try.
Despite the fact that i have not had 100% uptime with Maui, overall i remain very happy with it. I do not in any way regard my carefully-researched decision last year to upgrade to Maui, a mistake; indeed, i remain very pleased that i made the jump. I appreciate that others are entitled to their own opinions, but i do not have to share them.