1st May 2017, 11:30
Thanks. It is writable, I am the owner, & its permissions are: -rw-r--r--
Reading the file in Kate, down near the bottom [in red font; is that bad?], is:
Noto Sans 8 is my setting. Is the "Invalid" indicative of a fault?
Other than those 2 questions, nothing seems to be incorrect, yet my edits just do not "stick". :-(
Reading the file in Kate, down near the bottom [in red font; is that bad?], is:
font="Noto Sans,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0"
Noto Sans 8 is my setting. Is the "Invalid" indicative of a fault?
Other than those 2 questions, nothing seems to be incorrect, yet my edits just do not "stick". :-(