6th July 2017, 11:04
a core edition would be really nice.
i don't need all the games, inkscape, gimp, k3b, audacious, handbrake, gmusicbrowser, kamose, kdenlive, vokoscreen, kde-marble, krdc, pidgin, qtranmission, skype, or virtualbox.
or at least an easy to use "deinstaller" or that you can choose during the installation which apps you would like to have
i don't need all the games, inkscape, gimp, k3b, audacious, handbrake, gmusicbrowser, kamose, kdenlive, vokoscreen, kde-marble, krdc, pidgin, qtranmission, skype, or virtualbox.
or at least an easy to use "deinstaller" or that you can choose during the installation which apps you would like to have