1st June 2018, 16:59
Thanks for the insight of Kubuntu vs Neon. I have been trying Neon on an old laptop, but it gets used so little it really hasn't provided me with any valuable insight. I also like that Kubuntu has more software preinstalled and that it is a recognized and tested 'distro'. Not just a set of packages for testing. Don't get me wrong, I think Neon is great. But it seems to me that KDENeon really is best if used as a base for another distro to build on top of. Just like Maui was doing.
I think Maui was great and it was really on the right track in using Neon for its base. But like so many other distros, it seems like the developers are more interested in following whatever the latest hot trend is within the linux community and following the lead of others instead of sticking to a solid game plan. For example, for years everyone was basing their distros on Ubuntu and you couldn't hardly find an actual Debian based distro. Now its just the opposite, everyone is basing on Debian and Kubuntu is the only Ubuntu KDE distro. Unfortunately, I seem to be contrary to the Linux world. Having been a linux user since before Ubuntu came to the scene, I was always warned away from Ubuntu by the 'old guard', saying it was buggy and unstable. So I never even tried it until now. I have found Maui and Ubuntu to be the most stable and easiest to use distro I have ever triend. We'll at least since Xandros (Debian Stable base). Xandros was my first distro and it was fantastic. Since then I have hopped around several Debian based distros, but never found anything as reliable as Maui has been. Its really a shame to see it go.
I think Maui was great and it was really on the right track in using Neon for its base. But like so many other distros, it seems like the developers are more interested in following whatever the latest hot trend is within the linux community and following the lead of others instead of sticking to a solid game plan. For example, for years everyone was basing their distros on Ubuntu and you couldn't hardly find an actual Debian based distro. Now its just the opposite, everyone is basing on Debian and Kubuntu is the only Ubuntu KDE distro. Unfortunately, I seem to be contrary to the Linux world. Having been a linux user since before Ubuntu came to the scene, I was always warned away from Ubuntu by the 'old guard', saying it was buggy and unstable. So I never even tried it until now. I have found Maui and Ubuntu to be the most stable and easiest to use distro I have ever triend. We'll at least since Xandros (Debian Stable base). Xandros was my first distro and it was fantastic. Since then I have hopped around several Debian based distros, but never found anything as reliable as Maui has been. Its really a shame to see it go.