10th November 2016, 22:54
(10th November 2016, 22:29)AJSlye Wrote: UPDATE: I was able to enable Akonadi playing around with KDE Wallet.
Here is what I did:
Go into System Settings > Account Details > KDE Wallet
Then scroll down and click Launch Wallet Manager, click around and close.
Next go into Plasma Services and enable Akonadi and click apply.
Note: Sometimes I had to click apply two or three times before I heard the harddrive tick and it to actually apply. I'm still not 100% sure what is going on, more testing is needed. But as of rightnow it is enabled and woking, no more kmail errors.
-I have not done any level 4/5 updates. I did try playing around with the Launch Wallet Manager as you suggested, but no luck. Still can't get Akonadi to stay on through the gui after exiting plasma services or start through the command line.