Does anyone have any direct experience of using any of these in Maui?
My Dad uses Win10, & quite likes it. He has a few decades of MS-usage behind him, & nil experience of Linux. Nevertheless, i am trying my luck at winning him over from MS to Linux, & obviously that means Maui. I don't know that i will succeed, but i'm going to give it a good try anyway.
Unlike me [who works almost 100% digitally; hardly ever printing or scanning anything], Dad is very reliant on his two printers & 1 scanner... he uses them a lot, & i recognise that Maui / Linux would not be viable for him unless i can ensure he would continue to have untroubled usage on-demand of these devices.
We have downloaded Maui 17.03, & i set it up in a VM for him, so that he can play with it & begin to get a feel for what Linux "is", what Maui looks like, & whether he finds it appealing & useful or not... from a software perspective. We have not yet burnt the ISO to dvd for him to boot in Live mode, to test his hardware [apart from limited time so far, the main reason is pragmatic; i live ~120 km away from him, & typically support his computer needs via TeamViewer, but that's not viable for booting into BIOS to inspect/edit the boot sequence, & as Dad has no knowledge of even the concept let alone practice of booting from a LiveDVD, I'm not sure yet if i would be able to explain to him what to do when i can't watch the screen to see what he sees & does].
I have done an initial cursory search online for any Linux drivers for one of his devices, but i need to spend more time properly investigating. It occurred to me however to first ask here... i realise it's a long-shot, but for instance if it transpired that someone here happened to have any of the same hardware, & had already discovered [a] how to use them in Maui, or alternatively (b] that they definitely won't work in Maui, then that'd save me some time. Thanks.
PS - I am NOT lazily asking anyone to do my research for me, only to share their learning if they've already happened to have solved this. Thanks again.
Does anyone have any direct experience of using any of these in Maui?
Quote:scanner = EPSON PERFECTION 1250
My Dad uses Win10, & quite likes it. He has a few decades of MS-usage behind him, & nil experience of Linux. Nevertheless, i am trying my luck at winning him over from MS to Linux, & obviously that means Maui. I don't know that i will succeed, but i'm going to give it a good try anyway.
Unlike me [who works almost 100% digitally; hardly ever printing or scanning anything], Dad is very reliant on his two printers & 1 scanner... he uses them a lot, & i recognise that Maui / Linux would not be viable for him unless i can ensure he would continue to have untroubled usage on-demand of these devices.
We have downloaded Maui 17.03, & i set it up in a VM for him, so that he can play with it & begin to get a feel for what Linux "is", what Maui looks like, & whether he finds it appealing & useful or not... from a software perspective. We have not yet burnt the ISO to dvd for him to boot in Live mode, to test his hardware [apart from limited time so far, the main reason is pragmatic; i live ~120 km away from him, & typically support his computer needs via TeamViewer, but that's not viable for booting into BIOS to inspect/edit the boot sequence, & as Dad has no knowledge of even the concept let alone practice of booting from a LiveDVD, I'm not sure yet if i would be able to explain to him what to do when i can't watch the screen to see what he sees & does].
I have done an initial cursory search online for any Linux drivers for one of his devices, but i need to spend more time properly investigating. It occurred to me however to first ask here... i realise it's a long-shot, but for instance if it transpired that someone here happened to have any of the same hardware, & had already discovered [a] how to use them in Maui, or alternatively (b] that they definitely won't work in Maui, then that'd save me some time. Thanks.
PS - I am NOT lazily asking anyone to do my research for me, only to share their learning if they've already happened to have solved this. Thanks again.