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Hi. On 31/12/16 i reformatted my Tower's SSD, made a new partition table, & did a clean reinstallation of Maui [ ]. That was after a few months of running my Tower with Maui after upgrading from Mint 17.3 KDE4 but not wiping /home,  Thus, unlike my original Maui installation of Sept 2016, this time there is absolutely positively no remnants of Mint KDE4 lurking in my /home user-config files able to interfere with Maui. I did this reinstallation specifically in hope of ending the many annoying random misbehaviours my original Maui gave me [per many of my historical posts here], that no other user or Dev writing in these fora seemed to experience.

Until this morning, the rebuilt Maui Tower has been running delightfully. However now, i no longer know what i should think about it. I came to my pc this morning, to Resume it from its usual overnight Suspend, like i do every other morning. This morning, the lock screen appeared on screen as usual, but keyboard & mouse were 100% unresponsive. Both had their various LEDs illuminated, so were still being powered through their USB connections ok, but neither would respond to any inputs. Thus i could not switch to TTY, & to my dismay even REISUB didn't work. Unhappily i had to press the Tower's reset button. 

I'm very disappointed at this failure. Sometimes such bad misbehaviour happened in my original [non-clean] Maui installation, but this is the first time since the completely clean reinstallation. The rebuild was supposed to have stopped all this stuff.

Any ideas please?

18/1/17 EDIT:   I just realised that my original post's title is inaccurate. This was my first post-rebuild hard reset explicitly coz of a dead lock-screen, but it was not actually the first hard reset overall, since rebuilding. In fact there had been two previous occasions, post-rebuild, when i was simply using my Tower normally [ie, not suspending or resuming it] when, without any tell-tale warning signs, the OS abruptly entirely locked up / froze ... dead to all inputs. Only a hard reset was possible each time. Most unpleasant! Happily overall the reliability seems quite good.
Hello kdemeoz,

From my point of view, these things with suspend/resume happen. My experience tells me that suspend/resume is never 100% safe and I'm not saying it's just on Linux, but on any OS in general. My friend used suspend/resume with windows until one nice day it got stuck in a similar way as yours and upon reboot he was greeted with a blue screen :-) Only a special Windows repair disc helped. OSX is similar, 99 times it will work, that 1 time will get stuck. It happens to me as well and I know I cannot rely on it 100%, so for example when putting the system into suspend I save all my work. The reasons for that can be really prosaic: for example, during the night the electric grid might get unstable and send pulses to your lappy, that may or may not be filtered out by the adapter. There can be solar flares from the sun - I had all sorts of problems when they were reported. So, from my perspective, never trust suspend 100% and while it may work 99 times, that 1 time it will fail, no matter which OS you put on it and the root cause doesn't have to be in the device or OS itself.

Cheers... ;-)
(17th January 2017, 10:41)rocky7x Wrote: [ -> ]Hello kdemeoz,

From my point of view, these things with suspend/resume happen. My experience tells me that suspend/resume is never 100% safe and I'm not saying it's just on Linux, but on any OS in general. My friend used suspend/resume with windows until one nice day it got stuck in a similar way as yours and upon reboot he was greeted with a blue screen :-) Only a special Windows repair disc helped. OSX is similar, 99 times it will work, that 1 time will get stuck. It happens to me as well and I know I cannot rely on it 100%, so for example when putting the system into suspend I save all my work. The reasons for that can be really prosaic: for example, during the night the electric grid might get unstable and send pulses to your lappy, that may or may not be filtered out by the adapter. There can be solar flares from the sun - I had all sorts of problems when they were reported. So, from my perspective, never trust suspend 100% and while it may work 99 times, that 1 time it will fail, no matter which OS you put on it and the root cause doesn't have to be in the device or OS itself.

Cheers... ;-)

Hi Rocky

Many thanks! That's actually quite heartening, & rather reassuring... which of course was your kind intention. OK, on that basis i shall stop my moaning & close this brief post. 

BTW, as a well-honed pessimist who doesn't even realise that there is another half of the glass actually containing any liquid [unsubstantiated rumour, IMO], my default state is to expect stuff to break / fail / let me down, so it's always amazing when i get thru' another day sans-catastrophe  ;-)   As such, like you my final act every time before Suspending either Tower or Lappy [both running Maui nowadays] is to ensure that i have saved any new changes in any open docs or relevant applications. Thing is, overall my cumulative Maui Suspend-Resume experience to date has been that it's soooooooo much more reliable than my old Mint 17.x KDE4 was, such that when Maui does suffer a solar flare, it quite shocks me  :-) 
Yesterday I made my first hard reset because I could not do anything at all without any reason !!!
I don't use hibernation or any other sleeping procedure but I have installed the appropriate NVIDIA drivers.
I have read in Debian Stable instructions book that any NVIDIA drivers installation is somehow a source of instability for the Debian system and I think ... not only for this Linux OS....
Anyway , I used to play one-two Linux games , Supertuxkart etc.
How else could I play these Linux games without the NVIDIA drivers ? So I insist to install the appropriate drivers !
And the most annoying and rather serious situation ... the long term Ubuntu bug I feel here is that my system can't shut down normally many times ! Sometimes it can , sometimes no !! It depends.....
So long...NVIDIA drivers supposed to be the source of this evil too but, I use other Linux OSs too in the same PC with NVIDIA drivers installed and the system is always shutting down like a charm...
And I wonder ... are there any secrets out there ?
We are Linux users because Linux means freedom and open sources for all !
Cheers !!
Nouveau drivers are well capable of running 3D games aswell. You don't need proprietary drivers for this.
All in all I think the unexpected behavior shows the flaws of that proprietary driver.
(17th January 2017, 15:20)leszek Wrote: [ -> ]Nouveau drivers are well capable of running 3D games aswell. You don't need proprietary drivers for this.
All in all I think the unexpected behavior shows the flaws of that proprietary driver.

Thank you leszek !! I am sure I have to try without the appropriate NVIDIA drivers.
Hello fanisatt,

Do you have Optimus or just Nvidia card?
I had shutdown problems with my sparkylinux.
I made an alias in .bash_aliases file. (You need to make your own)
alias swoff='sudo swapoff -a && sudo systemctl poweroff

Maybe you could try swapoff fist and see if that helps at all
If not go for the full command.
Done the job for me.
(17th January 2017, 17:26)rocky7x Wrote: [ -> ]Hello fanisatt,

Do you have Optimus or just Nvidia card?

It is the Nvidia GeForce GT 710 .
(17th January 2017, 17:55)Pliny.D.Elder Wrote: [ -> ]Fanisatt,
I had shutdown problems with my sparkylinux.
I made an alias in .bash_aliases file. (You need to make your own)
alias swoff='sudo swapoff -a && sudo systemctl poweroff

Maybe you could try swapoff fist and see if that helps at all
If not go for the full command.
Done the job for me.

Thank you very much for your help !
I don't know what is an alias .
I tried to find any file like this you say above in my /home and the /usr directories but there is nothing.
If I make a file where I have to put it in ? (the directory name)
Thanks !
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