14th June 2017, 9:42
Hello Leszek,
I performed a clean install of maui 17.03 on this laptop. I kept the basic configuration after the installation (in french). The overall boot time is on this machine of 55 s. After the maui splash screen there is a small delay before the mouse cursor (5s).
Then I added the testing repos, and I updated to Plasma 5.10.1 and 17.04 applications. (14 pkg discarded and 20 new installed).
The overall boot time increase to 2 min. The main difference occurred after the maui splash screen where it taked 1 min to display the mouse cursor.
Mooving to a nvidia driver for the graphic card did not improve anything.
I hope this could help in the optimization of maui 17.06
I performed a clean install of maui 17.03 on this laptop. I kept the basic configuration after the installation (in french). The overall boot time is on this machine of 55 s. After the maui splash screen there is a small delay before the mouse cursor (5s).
Then I added the testing repos, and I updated to Plasma 5.10.1 and 17.04 applications. (14 pkg discarded and 20 new installed).
The overall boot time increase to 2 min. The main difference occurred after the maui splash screen where it taked 1 min to display the mouse cursor.
Mooving to a nvidia driver for the graphic card did not improve anything.
I hope this could help in the optimization of maui 17.06