29th October 2016, 9:54
I'm beginning [/continuing] to fret that i might have made a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig mistake by reusing my Mint's encrypted /home partition when i installed Maui [even though ALL the research i did in 2013 when i first began investigating Linux to free myself from Windows said that the entire rationale for having separate / & /home partitions was to safeguard & reuse all my data whenever i wanted to reinstall or replace my Linux distro].
One part of me wonders if i should now just abandon all further attempts to troubleshoot this tricky wallet / logout/in problem & reinstall Maui by blowing away BOTH / & /home -- literally a completely clean start. The other part of me says that's idiotic & a huge over-reaction [not to mention a vast amount of work given Maui is now tweaked exactly how i want it, & my (very large) number of programs are all likewise installed & tweaked just how i want them].
My level of confidence in solving this myself is not high, given that David set off that verbal bomb but then went silent, & both starbuck & leszek (in a different thread] have said or implied that they don't know about kwallet & encryption wrt KDE4 vs Plasma5. That means my only alternative seems to be trial & error [many hours over several days of online research have not helped], which unnerves me -- given my /home partition is encrypted, & this Tower is my primary pc, i'm quite nervous that if i experiment with any of delete kwallet / change kwallet pswd / set kwallet pswd to blank / create second kwallet, could it cripple my system? Eg, it would be a calamity if i then rebooted & found that i then could not login due to /home refusing to decrypt because i'd buggered the password...?
Following is the result of searching my /home for all instances of "wallet". I assume [but do not know] that some of these might be legacy from Mint KDE4, & others might be current from Maui Plasma5. I speculate [but again do not know] that Plasma5 probably does not read any folders that were from KDE4... but what if some of those folders are common to both DEs, & so now cause Plasma5 to be confused?
All suggestions & comments will be gratefully received by this confused little black duck.
One part of me wonders if i should now just abandon all further attempts to troubleshoot this tricky wallet / logout/in problem & reinstall Maui by blowing away BOTH / & /home -- literally a completely clean start. The other part of me says that's idiotic & a huge over-reaction [not to mention a vast amount of work given Maui is now tweaked exactly how i want it, & my (very large) number of programs are all likewise installed & tweaked just how i want them].
My level of confidence in solving this myself is not high, given that David set off that verbal bomb but then went silent, & both starbuck & leszek (in a different thread] have said or implied that they don't know about kwallet & encryption wrt KDE4 vs Plasma5. That means my only alternative seems to be trial & error [many hours over several days of online research have not helped], which unnerves me -- given my /home partition is encrypted, & this Tower is my primary pc, i'm quite nervous that if i experiment with any of delete kwallet / change kwallet pswd / set kwallet pswd to blank / create second kwallet, could it cripple my system? Eg, it would be a calamity if i then rebooted & found that i then could not login due to /home refusing to decrypt because i'd buggered the password...?
Following is the result of searching my /home for all instances of "wallet". I assume [but do not know] that some of these might be legacy from Mint KDE4, & others might be current from Maui Plasma5. I speculate [but again do not know] that Plasma5 probably does not read any folders that were from KDE4... but what if some of those folders are common to both DEs, & so now cause Plasma5 to be confused?
All suggestions & comments will be gratefully received by this confused little black duck.