3rd August 2017, 9:34
Quote:But in this version (fresh install) I view that, when restart computer, appears a message that, the filesystem search for btrfs.This is the filechecker for btrfs. It's just looking for a btrfs filesystem to check. If you don't have any btrfs filesystem it will do nothing.
Quote:I have activate in dolphin services, root services like open with dolphin, or open like text...all root services.We have those deactivated for a reason by default.
Upstream so the KDE devs are working on a replacement which uses policykit and then does not need to start the whole application as root just to perform actions like writing to a config file that the user does not have the rights to. In the meanwhile the applications itself disallow being executed as root/sudo.
If you need to copy/move stuff around there are the copy and move options in root actions that you can activate and that work fine.
The command EDITOR=kate sudoedit /path/to/file/you/want/to/edit/with/sudo/rights.txt will start a normal user kate session but will use sudo after saved and finished editing to copy the file to the right folder.